
Discounted Services for Georgia Residents with Kaiser Permanente

We are thrilled to announce an exciting update that aims to improve the mental health and well-being of the members of the Kaiser Permanente Community in Georgia. At Georgia Counseling, Inc., we are dedicated to providing exceptional mental health care services, and we are pleased to inform you that Kaiser Permanente residents in Georgia can…Read More

Love and Light

Happiness is a feeling that many people strive for, yet it can often seem elusive. While external circumstances can contribute to happiness, research has shown that a large part of our sense of well-being is determined by our thoughts and attitudes. If you’re seeking happiness, talk therapy can be a helpful resource. A therapist can…Read More


Emotional growth is an important aspect of overall well-being and personal development. It involves becoming more self-aware, learning to manage and express our emotions effectively, and building healthy relationships with others. If you’re looking to grow emotionally, talk therapy can be a helpful resource. A therapist can provide a safe and supportive space to explore…Read More


In a world that often feels overwhelming and stressful, many people are seeking ways to increase peace in their lives. Whether it’s through mindfulness practices, therapy, or simply finding ways to relax and unwind, there are many different paths to finding peace. If you’re looking to increase peace in your life, talk therapy can be…Read More


Self-love is a vital component of overall well-being and mental health, yet it’s something that many people struggle with. Whether it’s due to past traumas, negative self-talk, or societal pressures, it can be difficult to cultivate a positive and healthy relationship with ourselves. If you’re struggling with self-love, talk therapy can be a helpful resource….Read More

Happy New Year 2023!

New Year’s resolutions are a great way to set goals and make positive changes in your life, but they can also be overwhelming. If you’re feeling uncertain about how to approach your resolutions this year, talk therapy can be a helpful resource. A therapist can provide a safe and supportive space to process your thoughts…Read More