
We are thrilled to announce an exciting update that aims to improve the mental health and well-being of the members of the Kaiser Permanente Community in Georgia. At Georgia Counseling, Inc., we are dedicated to providing exceptional mental health care services, and we are pleased to inform you that Kaiser Permanente residents in Georgia can now access our services with no copay when scheduling appointments via telehealth.

Breaking Down Barriers to Mental Health Care

We understand that accessing quality mental health care should be convenient and affordable. With this initiative, we aim to eliminate financial barriers, ensuring that every individual in need can receive the support they deserve. By offering telehealth services with no copay, we hope to encourage more Kaiser Permanente residents to prioritize their mental health without worrying about the cost.

Benefits of Telehealth for Mental Health Support

Convenience: Telehealth allows you to attend therapy sessions from the comfort of your home. No need to commute or rearrange your schedule; simply log in from your device and connect with your therapist.

Increased Access: Remote sessions mean you can connect with mental health professionals regardless of your location within Georgia. This expanded access ensures you can find the right therapist for your needs.

Flexibility: Telehealth appointments often offer more flexible scheduling options, making it easier to find a time that suits your routine. Whether you prefer early morning or late evening sessions, telehealth provides flexibility to accommodate your lifestyle.

Reduced Stigma: For some individuals, the perceived stigma around seeking mental health support can be a barrier. Telehealth provides a discreet way to access therapy, allowing you to focus on your well-being without concerns about judgment.

Safe Environment: Particularly in the context of ongoing health concerns, telehealth offers a safe and hygienic way to receive the care you need. Your health and safety remain our top priority.

How to Schedule Your Telehealth Session

Scheduling your telehealth session with Georgia Counseling, Inc. is easy and hassle-free. Simply email us at to book your appointment. Our dedicated team of licensed therapists is here to support you through your mental health journey.

At Georgia Counseling, Inc. we are committed to providing compassionate, personalized, and effective mental health care. We believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality therapy, and we are delighted to extend this opportunity to Kaiser Permanente residents in Georgia.

If you have any questions or need assistance scheduling your appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us at